Sunday, December 19, 2010

peace on earth...


it was a war he did not choose
khmer rouge, cambodia
inhumanely tagged with numbers
and beaten with impunity,
watched helplessly in silence
as four siblings literally starved to death,
risked getting shot down in a hail of bullets, 
just to go outside the barbed wire gates
so tonight dinner won't have to be
rice and fish again,
but he escaped death
to a refugee camp in a strange land
and they captured one moment in time
a remnant of a war he did not choose
which today it sits in a picture frame
ironically inscribed,
yesterday's memories
today's treasures.

*remembering all those who suffer as victims of war, and praying for peace on earth.  won't you please join me?

*give thanks to my Sis, Belle, for allowing me to come by and play in her yard. 
one love, Se'lah.


  1. Let there be peace on earth. So mote it be.

  2. i thought of you
    as i saw the doves
    in my window..and here you are
    peace on the wing...

  3. Sending prayers of Peace on Earth so all the loved ones separated can be reunited once more...

  4. It's good and right to take time during the hustle and bustle of the holidays and ponder the beauty of peaceful existence. It is so cliche, but I do wish for a tolerant world that embraces differences with joyful hearts.

  5. My heart is full of gratitude for all that I have and fuill of prayers for peace so that all may feel it. One Love, Beautiful One.

  6. This one left a lump in my throat. Big sigh.
    Sending extra prayers for peace.

  7. Peace on Earth. What a great time for us all to think of this and pray for. The older I get the more I realize just how utterly pointless war truly is.

  8. Peace. The more we talk about it, the more we call it forth. Thank you for bringing it forth!!!

  9. I'm still dreaming of peace on earth...and it's nice to see so many of us working towards promoting peace. One love

  10. Sel'ah you are such a wonderful soul and your consciousness and compassion are an inspiration to us all.
    With love and peace xx

  11. xo to you and yours ... peace to everyone

